December 2019 Monthly Collective Card Reading

 This is the last monthly collective reading this year using cards that were pulled for the collective on January 1, 2019. Those cards are: from the numerology guidance, #16, “Rebirth,” the nine of pentacles from the Morgan Greer Tarot, and “Prosperity” from the Archangel Oracle. This is a lovely energy coming out of Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio and Scorpio season, which was all about metaphorical deaths (i.e. rebirth). The first card’s guidance states, “This card indicates a time of major transition and transformation that will result in significant personal growth. By drawing this card, you have entered a period of spiritual awakening and rebirth, where you have the opportunity to align with your higher self and the overarching principles that guide you.” Affirm: “Through personal transformation, I reach my greatest potential.”

The nine of pentacles initially came out reversed when pulled on Jan 1, however while filming this reading last night, it flipped over. Nine of pentacles reversed (rx) can sometimes speak to financial or monetary loss or unexpected expense, which may be the case for some of you currently, however more so off of this card, I’m getting an energy of coupling or coming into a new level of commitment, for example an engagement or marriage. Keep in mind, this doesn’t necessarily mean a romantic connection. This could be a business partnership, friendship or activity within a family group. Perhaps a new baby was born or will be soon. I’m also feeling like much of the collective is coming into further alignment with their higher selves, per the guidance from the numerology card. Additionally, some of you may be promoted or changing jobs or roles now or in the near future.

The Prosperity card speaks to reaping the rewards of the seeds that you’ve sown, which is energy I’ve picked up in the every-other-day card readings posted live and in my Instagram feed. With this card, Archangel Ariel reminds us that “Your material needs are provided as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality.” The guidance book goes on to state, “I’m pouring a cornucopia of prosperity upon you and your life, and ask that you open your arms to receive. Some of the treasures will come in the form of brilliant ideas, and some will come as opportunities.” For the expanded reading, which includes energies coming in, based on yesterdays new moon in Sagittarius, please view the video:

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